Monday, December 20, 2010

For U'all

Hi there world and everyone. Finally took the jump to blog about my pokercareer, and maybe some other stuff, which most likely will be jokes and music when I stumble upon some good stuff. We Danish Vikings play some gooood poker, but not many small-stakers blog about it - so here's one.

I'm not like most of you young guns who grind long hours day in and day out. I would love to be so, but unfortenately i was born way before poker took off, so I have to deal with poker as a hobby. Yes, as you now guessed, I'm kind of an oldtimer - 46 - but my mind is still going strong, in fact maybe even stronger than ever.

As you can see from my blogtitle, I am one of the relatively few who plays the "slow" speed sng. The reasons are many, but mostly because I get to play some real poker and not only push/fold. Furthermore I dont see so many regs in these games, and I dont need to make a high hourly.

I started playing about 5 years ago. Deposited some $200 and played cash and tournaments. Worked my online bankroll nice and steady to around $2,500 located on numerous different sites. Two years ago I fell in love with sit & go'es after reading Collin Moshmans book.

Now I am kind af a nerd when it comes to mathematics and stuff like that - like gamingtheory. So I wacuumed the internet for every article, blog, video and everything else, and studied my ass off becoming familiar with all the strategies and techniques in these games. And now I finally feel I master these games, playing them well and winning.

Thats all for now - you got to know a little about me. Next post will be more i depth with my sng-games so far.

1 comment:

  1. You're in...

    gl at the tables, hope you keep the blog up :)

